
What will the Kindergarten Class be learning in Music this year? Here is a list of of concepts each student will be expected to accomplish by the end of the year.


·     I will be able to identify pitch (high and low).

·     I will be able to identify quarter notes and quarter rests.

·     I will be able to sing in unison.

·     I will be able to recognize when a song is fast or slow.
·     I will be able to sing music loudly (forte) and softly (piano).
·     I will sing do, sol, and mi using hand symbols.
·     I will be able to identify Treble Clef.
·     I will be able to perform while following the conductor. 

K-5  Lesson 1/Week 1:
1. Class Rules:

2. Hickety Tickety (Beat exercise)
·         Hickety Tickety
Will you Sing Your
Sing your Name to Me
Ø  Pass stuffed animal to first student (continue to pass around)
Ø  Say Chant while keeping a steady beat; pat-clap.
Ø  Student with “Hickety” says his name, “My name is ____”
Ø  Class echoes back with, “His name is ___”
Ø  Repeat the process until everyone has had a turn.
3. Posture
·      Straight Back
·      Feet shoulder width apart
·      One foot (right if right handed, left if left-handed) 1 – 2 inches in front of the other.
4. Voices
·      Talking
·      Calling
·      Whispering
·      Singing
5. Mouth
·      Open mouth “3-fingers” wide
·      Tongue behind teeth
6. Obey Right Away Song 

K-5 Lesson 2/Week 2:

1. Review Class Rules

2. Review Hickety Tickety (Beat Exercise)

Ø  Ensure students can speak their names to a stead beat

3. Beat is Steady (Tune of Frere Jacques)

4. Review Posture, Voices, Mouth

5. Vocal Warm-Ups/Pitch Exploration
·      Tell students the importance of warming-up their voices before they sing.
·      Discuss the importance of exploring our high, middle, and low voice. (Will help become better singers)
Activity: Sing a short melodic phrase, and have the students match what they hear.
Ø  Do you Know the Muffin Man?
Ø  Do, Re, Mi Tapping Song

6. Wiggle Worm  

K-5 Lesson 3/Week 3:

1. Review Beat is Steady (Tune of Frere Jacques)

Ø  Examples: heartbeat.
o   New – Clock

2. Beat Activities
Ø  Hickory Dickery Dock
o   Move to Beat (Sway, Tap, etc.)

3. Tempo (Show Flashcard) = Speed
Ø  Can be fast, can be slow

4. “What We Do” (Flashcard) – “use singing voice & go at the right tempo.”

5. Activity: Cup Game (Use moderate tempo)
§  Start with just one cup. Have the students pass the one cup around, in a circle, while maintaining a steady beat. (We will work on this for few weeks, until students can have their own cups to pass at a stead beat.)

6. Review Vocal Warm-ups

7. Wiggle Worm  

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