Groups and Ensemble

Important! Please have Audition Form, link HERE, filled out and turned into instructor upon entering the audition room. 

Auditions will be held on Thursday, August 28th at 10:00am

Audition results will be posted on the blog Monday, September 1st at 10:00am. 

Open Positions:
  • Girls Voice Ensemble 
  • Boys Voice Ensemble
  • Instrumental Ensemble (Private lessons are required to join.)
  • Kids Choral
  • Mix Trio 
  • Pianists (5 positions needed)

UPDATE: August 28, 2014
Audition results are in early! Thank you, parents, for taking the time to bring your child to the auditions, and thank you students for practicing and being willing to overcome the nerves and audition to become a part of the Elementary Music Program.

Congratulations on the following students who made the groups listed below. Each parent will be informed when your child will have practice meetings. I need to work out the schedules with the elementary teachers, so that these practice meetings will not interfere with any academic classes.

Instrumental Ensemble
Pianist – Jonah Martinez
·       Hannah Kissell
·       Jared Martinez
·       Kaylee Godby
·       Lois Myla
·       Melody Chung
·       Noelle Chung
·       Titus Thompson
Kindergarten Mix
·       Aunika Goltiao
·       Isabella Calderon
·       Jadon Saftner
·       Jathan Gilreath
·       Laura Gong
Girls Voice Ensemble (Lower Elementary)
·       Ashley Bridgman
·       Charity Ilan
·       Chloe Medi
·       Hannah Sandoval
·       Jacklynn Azzarello
·       Kristine Strouf
·       Audrey Porro
Girls  Voice Ensemble (Upper Elementary)
·       Brooklynn Azzarello
·       Hannah Kissell
·       Kaitlyn Strouf
·       Kaylee Godby
·       Meagan Moyer
·       Noelle Chung
·       OPEN position
·       Angela Libador
·       Brielle Rhoe
·       Haley Balina
·       Monique Webster
·       Rosie Gong
Mix Trio
·       Brianna Sloan
·       Melody Chung
·       T.J. Thompson
Understudy Pianists
Hannah Kissell – Upper Elementary Ensemble
Jacob Martinez –Lower Elementary Ensemble
Monique Webster –Quintet
Nate Sloan –Mix Trio
Nathan Medi – Kindergarten Mix

*The understudy pianist will prepare to play for the assigned group. Please note that he/she may not play for the group immediately, but with the goal of eventually becoming the main pianist for that particular group. 

These pianists will also have the opportunity to play piano solos and duets as specials in chapel.  
Possible Chapel Specials (but will not meet during the weekly group classes):
·       Gong, Azzarello, and Chung Sisters
·       TJ Thompson Solo with Titus Thompson Accompanying with the guitar
·       Cousins - Brielle Rhoe and Kaylee Godby -  Duet
·       Brianna Sloan Solo with Nate Sloan accompanying with the piano
·       Monique Webster Solo with also playing the piano
     Hannah Kissell Solo with also playing the piano

*If your child was listed above and you believe they would be interested in performing in chapel, I am more than willing to work with your child before or after school to make this a possibility.

Instrumental Ensemble/Week 1

1. Class Rules:

Ø  Bring to class:       
o   Your instrument
o   Your music
o   Your OWN pencil
o   Instrument accessories
Ø  Be on Time
Ø  Enter and Exit Classroom quietly and orderly
Ø  Respect everyone and their property
Ø  Play your OWN instrument
Ø  Make musical sounds only

2. Warm up:
Ø  C scale (Use as a time to tune)

3. Musical Piece – “Solid Rock”


  1. Do the kids need to stay after school for practice or will they be practicing during the school day?

    1. The music program will be incorporated into the school day. Each class will not interfere with any academic classes, but they will be during school hours. Only approved private lessons will be after school.
