1st Grade

What will First Grade be able to do by the end of the year? Predominately, the First Graders will focus on discovering and developing the singing voice. They will also learn basic music theory. Take a look below. It will allow you to see a little glimpse of what they will be learning.

1st Grade

·     I will be able to identify half notes and half rests

·     I will be able to identify dynamic symbols of music: piano (soft), forte (loud), mezzo forte (moderately loud)

·     I will be able to clap to the beat of music steadily.

·     I will be able to sing Solfege (do, re, mi, fa, so, la, ti, do).

·     I will be able to recognize line notes and space notes.
·     I will be able to sing in a round.
·     I will be able to identify Treble Clef and Bass Clef.
·     I will be able to identify whether the direction of the notes, whether the pitch is going up, going down, or staying the same.

1st Grade  Lesson 1/Week 1:

1. Class Rules:

2. So – Mi Name Challenge (Beat and Solfege Introduction)

3. Posture
·      Straight Back
·      Feet shoulder width apart
·      One foot (right if right handed, left if left-handed) 1 – 2 inches in front of the other.
4. Voices
·      Talking
·      Calling
·      Whispering
·      Singing

5. Mouth
·      Open mouth “3-fingers” wide
·      Tongue behind teeth

6. Obey Right Away Song 

1st Grade Lesson 2/Week 2:

1. Review Rules

2. Review Posture, Voices, Mouth

3. Review So – Mi Name Challenge

4. Introduce BEAT (flash chard)
·      Listen to heartbeat sound on phone recording

5. Beat is Steady

Ø  Keep beat in different ways
1.     Clapping
2.     Tapping foot
3.     Snapping

6. Vocal Warm-Ups/Pitch Exploration
·      Tell students the importance of warming-up their voices before they sing.
·      Discuss the importance of exploring our high, middle, and low voice. (Will help become better singers)
Activity: Sing a short melodic phrase, and have the students match what they hear.
Ø  Do you Know the Muffin Man?
Ø  Do, Re, Mi Tapping Song

7. Little By Little

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