2nd Grade

Second Grade will sharpen and expand their development of the singing voice. Second Grade is where the student really starts to learn the foundational concepts of Music Theory. Take a look at all the music knowledge the 2nd grade class will learn this year!

2nd Grade

·     I will be able to recognize quarter notes, half notes, dotted half notes, and whole notes.

·     I will be able to identify the name notes on the treble clef.

·     I will be able to identify a barline in music.

·     I will be able to identify a measure in music.

·     I will be able to sing with my class in a few repertoire of music.

·     I will be able to understand allegro and adagio tempos. 

1st Grade  Lesson 1/Week 1:
1. Class Rules:

2. So – Mi Name Challenge (Beat and Solfege Introduction)

3. Posture
·      Straight Back
·      Feet shoulder width apart
·      One foot (right if right handed, left if left-handed) 1 – 2 inches in front of the other.
4. Voices
·      Talking
·      Calling
·      Whispering
·      Singing

5. Mouth
·      Open mouth “3-fingers” wide
·      Tongue behind teeth

2nd Grade Lesson 2/Week 2:
1. Review class rules

2. Review Posture, Voices, and Mouth

3. Review So – Mi Name Challenge

4. Introduce Beat
·      Listen to heartbeat recording
o   Allow students to keep the beat in different ways
§  Clap
§  Snap
§  Stomp

5. Introduce Verse of a song (Flash card)
·      Verse = part of the song that tells a story
·      Have students clap to the beat of the verse. (Beat exercise)

6. Vocal Warm-ups/ Pitch Exploration
·      Tell students the importance of warming-up their voices before they sing.
·      Discuss the importance of exploring our high, middle, and low voice. (Will help become better singers)
Activity: Sing a short melodic phrase, and have the students match what they hear.
Ø  Do you Know the Muffin Man?
Ø  Do, Re, Mi Tapping Song

6. I Will Do What’s Right

2nd Grade Lesson 3/Week 3:
1. Review Verse and Chorus

2. Review Vocal Warm Ups

3. Introduce Rhythm vs. Beat
Ø  Rhythm is the actual sound of the notes, which in a song, would be the same as the words.
Ø  The beat is the steady pulse that you feel in the tune, like a clock’s tick. It is steady.

Examples and Worksheets:

4. Rhythm in Depth
Ø  Quarter Note
Ø  Half Note
Ø  Whole Note

Activity: Clap Various rhythm patterns written on the board.

5. Little by Little

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