3rd Grade
· I will be able to identify eighth notes.
· I will be able to identify and understand 4/4 time
· I will be able to identify all the line notes and
space notes on the treble clef.
· I will be able to identify basic music elements for singing
(repeat, chorus, verse.)
· I will be able to clap to simple rhythmic patterns
(Ta, Ti-ti)
· I will be able to sing along and with others several
repertoire of music.
· I will be able to develop the ability to perform
with a harmony in an ensemble.
Grade Lesson 1/Week 1:
1. Class Rules:
2. Posture
· Singers must be attentive
to the position of their feet, knees, hips, abdomen, chest, shoulders, arms,
hands, and feet. If all these arrears are correctly positioned, it will be
easier for sound to be produced.
o The chin should be about
parallel to the floor.
o Shoulders should be held
back and down, with chest held high,
but not in a strained position.
o Abdomen should be flat
and firm, held in an expandable position.
o Hands should be relaxed
and still at the sides.
o Knees should be flexibly
loose, and never locked.
o Feet should be slighty
apart, one slightly in front of the other.
o The weight of the
body is slightly forward
· Tips to check if your
posture is correct:
o Place one hand on the
abdomen while breathing, to ensure the abdomen is expanding and relaxed.
o Shift the weight of your
body forward until almost standing on tips of the toes.
o Stand in a slouched
position, then change to the correct position, noticing the difference between
the two.
(Resource: Bunch, M. (1995). Dynamics of the singing
voice. Springer-Verlag: New York.)
3. Proper Breathing
· Warm up
o “Balloon”
o “Creating Wings”
4. Vocal Warm Ups
· “Ho – Ho – Ho Hosanna”
· “Ma”
· “Bumblebee”
5. Ta, Ti-ti
6. So- Mi
· So – Mi in the students
· Hand Signals
· Listen to Sample
7. I Want to
be Faithful
Grade Lesson 2/Week 2:
1. Review Rules
2. Review Posture, Voices, Mouth
3. So-Mi Review (Ensure
students can sing name in right pitch
and in right rhythm)
4. Introduce VERSE (flash card)
Verse = part of the song that tells the story
Have examples from songbook.
Read from left to right
Read the top line of music all the way through, then proceed to the
next line.
5. Importance of Vocal Warm-Ups/Pitch Exploration (DO
– RE –MI)
Tell students the importance of warming-up their
voices before they sing.
Discuss the importance of exploring our high,
middle, and low voice. (Will help become better singers)
Activity: Sing a short melodic phrase, and have the students
match what they hear.
Do, Re, Mi
Tapping Song
6. I Want to
be Faithful
Grade Lesson 3/Week 3:
1. Review Verse and Chorus
2. Review Vocal Warm Ups
3. Introduce Rhythm vs.
Rhythm is the actual sound of the notes, which in a song, would be the
same as the words.
The beat is the steady pulse that you feel in the tune,
like a clock’s tick. It is steady.
Examples and Worksheets:
4. Rhythm in Depth
Ø Quarter Note
Ø Half Note
Ø Whole Note
Activity: Clap various rhythm patterns written on the board.
5. Staff
5 Lines and 4 spaces
Have example on board
6. I want to
be Faithful
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